Holmes Chapel Parish Council
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stop the waste tip

at Kinderton Lodge Sproston

Letters of objection should be addressed to:

The County Planning Officer

Cheshire County Council

Backford Hall

Chester CH1 6PZ

Ref: A /APP/2003/0687 Kinderton Lodge, Middlewich

For the attention of David Diggle

Please don’t send it direct to the County Council but deliver it to the Information Centre at Holmes Chapel Library or to any member of Holmes Chapel Parish Council. This will help us to monitor the weight of objection

stop the waste tip

For further information please visit the following web sites:

http://www.cadonline.org (Councils against the Dump – CAD)

http://holmeschapelpc.tripod.com (Holmes Chapel Parish Council)


For suggested objections please see over

stop the waste tip

Published by David Cowgill, Clerk of Holmes Chapel Parish Council – dc_hcpc@hotmail.com


Please write in your own words to express your feelings

These are suggested objections but please feel free to say what you feel so that Cheshire County Council are not left in any doubt about the views of the people affected by the proposal

  1. In the County Waste Disposal Plan tipping is a last resort. It is against national and European policies
  2. There is no proven need for another landfill site in this area
  3. The applicants say that clay extracted will be used to cap the salt lagoons in Middlewich. There is no proven benefit of this proposal and it will affect wildlife
  4. The proposal is against local plan policies and would be undesirable development in the open countryside
  5. A tip would raise numerous health issues – for human beings, cattle and wildlife
  6. A tip would cause serious environmental risks (noise and pollution) – especially for Holmes Chapel which would be down wind of the site.
  7. The site is approx 1.5 miles from the Holmes Chapel village boundary and 3 miles from the village centre
  8. There would be serious traffic implications on the A54 and in Middlewich Town centre
  9. The site is adjacent to Midpoint 18 – an important employment site in Congleton Borough. In particular it is next to the Tesco Warehouse where food is stored
  10. Mineral extraction does not have to go hand in hand with landfill
  11. The proposal is for an 11 year period
  12. After restoration of the site it would be monitored over a 30 year period – an obvious indication of the risks involved. The capping would be above existing ground levels leaving a permanent blot on the existing landscape

Don’t forget to deliver your letters to the Information Centre or to a Parish Councillor

Thanks for your help




stop the waste tip